Anarchy in History
I was talking with someone a while ago about political anarchy, the idea of people living without any government. There are certainly anarchists around, though my sense is that the heyday of political Anarchism was in the late 19th and early 20th century, being just as much a specter as Communism in the US's First Red Scare . Societies without government aren't anything we expect to see anywhere in the developed world or in recent history, possibly barring Somalia, but over the course of human history it might very well be the case that societies we'd call anarchic outnumber societies with a government. A government is basically an organization that can force you to do things through the threat of violence. This is practical with settled farmers, but it's a much more difficult thing to implement in a Band Society of hunter gatherers. If you and your friends don't like what you're told to do, you can just go off and hunt elsewhere. And if...